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Elasticsearch crashing SonarQube in Kubernetes

Elasticsearch crashing SonarQube in Kubernetes, resolve Elasticsearch error, Elasticsearch crashing error, resolve sonarqube error, , Kubernetes
Elasticsearch crashing SonarQube in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is one of the most popular container orchestration tools used to deploy, manage, and scale applications. Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine that is widely used in modern applications, and SonarQube is a code quality management tool that helps developers improve code quality.

However, there have been instances where Elasticsearch has crashed SonarQube in Kubernetes deployments. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this issue and how to fix it.

Table of Contents

  1. The Problem
  2. Understanding the Cause
  3. Solution
  4. Verifying the Fix

The Problem:

In some Kubernetes deployments, Elasticsearch can cause SonarQube to crash unexpectedly. This can happen when Elasticsearch consumes all the available memory on a node, which can cause other pods on that node to crash as well. When SonarQube crashes, it can result in a loss of data and downtime for the application.

Understanding the Cause:

The root cause of Elasticsearch crashing SonarQube is due to the way Elasticsearch consumes resources. By default, Elasticsearch will allocate 50% of the available memory on a node. In some cases, this can cause the node to run out of memory, which can cause the node to crash.


To prevent Elasticsearch from crashing SonarQube, we need to configure Elasticsearch to consume less memory. This can be done by setting the JVM heap size for Elasticsearch. We can do this by adding the following environment variable to the Elasticsearch deployment:

- name: "ES_JAVA_OPTS"
value: "-Xmx1g -Xms1g"

This sets the maximum and minimum heap sizes for Elasticsearch to 1GB. You can adjust these values based on the memory available on your Kubernetes node.

Next, we need to update the SonarQube deployment to set the Elasticsearch heap size. We can do this by adding the following environment variable to the SonarQube deployment:

value: "true"
value: "-Xms512m -Xmx512m"

This sets the Elasticsearch heap size for SonarQube to 512MB. Again, you can adjust these values based on your memory requirements.

Verifying the Fix:

After making these changes, we can verify that Elasticsearch is consuming less memory by checking the Elasticsearch logs. We can do this by running the following command:

kubectl logs <elasticsearch-pod-name>

If Elasticsearch is running correctly, you should see log messages indicating that the heap size has been set correctly. You can also verify that SonarQube is running correctly by accessing the application in your web browser.

So, deployments can be a frustrating and time-consuming issue to resolve. However, by understanding the cause of the problem and applying the solutions outlined in this article, you can prevent this issue from occurring in your Kubernetes deployment. Remember to always monitor your Kubernetes resources and adjust your settings as needed to prevent resource constraints.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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