How to Delete All Pods in Kubernetes

How to Delete All Pods in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration system that allows users to manage containerized applications. One of the most common tasks in Kubernetes is deleting pods. In this article, we will explore how to delete all pods in Kubernetes.

Before we get started, it is important to note that deleting all pods in a Kubernetes cluster is a drastic step and should only be done if you are absolutely sure that it is necessary.

Table of Contents

  1. Preparing to Delete All Pods
  2. Using kubectl to Delete All Pods
  3. Deleting All Pods in a Namespace
  4. Deleting Pods with a Specific Label
  5. Deleting Pods with a Specific State
  6. Confirming that Pods Have Been Deleted

Preparing to Delete All Pods

Before deleting all pods in a Kubernetes cluster, it is important to make sure that you have a backup of any important data stored in those pods. You should also ensure that there are no running services or applications that depend on those pods.

Using kubectl to Delete All Pods

The most straightforward way to delete all pods in a Kubernetes cluster is to use the kubectl command-line tool. To delete all pods, use the following command:

kubectl delete pods --all

This command will delete all pods in the default namespace. If you have pods in other namespaces that you want to delete, you will need to specify the namespace using the -n or --namespace option.

kubectl delete pods --all -n my-namespace

Deleting All Pods in a Namespace

If you only want to delete pods in a specific namespace, you can use the following command:

kubectl delete pods --all -n my-namespace

This command will delete all pods in the my-namespace namespace.

Deleting Pods with a Specific Label

You can also delete pods that have a specific label using the --selector option. For example, to delete all pods with the app=my-app label, you can use the following command:

kubectl delete pods --selector app=my-app

This command will delete all pods with the app=my-app label, regardless of the namespace they are in.

Deleting Pods with a Specific State

If you only want to delete pods that are in a specific state, such as Running, you can use the --field-selector option. For example, to delete all pods that are in the Running state, you can use the following command:

kubectl delete pods --field-selector=status.phase=Running

This command will delete all pods that are currently in the Running state.

Confirming that Pods Have Been Deleted

Once you have deleted pods in Kubernetes, you can confirm that they have been deleted by running the kubectl get pods command. If there are no pods listed, then all pods have been successfully deleted.

So, deleting all pods in a Kubernetes cluster is a drastic step that should only be taken if it is absolutely necessary. However, if you do need to delete all pods, there are several ways to do so using the kubectl command-line tool. Remember to make a backup of any important data before proceeding.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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