How to Deploy Redis Cluster on Kubernetes

How to Deploy Redis Cluster on Kubernetes

Redis is a popular open-source in-memory data store used for caching, session management, and real-time analytics. Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration system used to deploy, manage, and scale applications. Deploying Redis on Kubernetes allows for high availability and scalability, making it an ideal solution for mission-critical applications.

In this article, we will explore how to deploy a Redis cluster on Kubernetes.


  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • kubectl command-line tool
  • Helm package manager
  • Redis Helm chart

Step 1: Install Helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows you to easily install and manage applications. To install Helm, run the following command:

curl | bash

Step 2: Install Redis Helm Chart

Redis Helm chart is a preconfigured chart that makes it easy to deploy Redis on Kubernetes. To install Redis using the Helm chart, run the following command:

helm repo add bitnami
helm install my-redis bitnami/redis

This command installs the Redis Helm chart with the release name my-redis.

Step 3: Verify Redis Deployment

To verify that Redis has been deployed successfully, run the following command:

kubectl get pods

This command lists all the pods in your Kubernetes cluster. You should see the Redis pod running.

Step 4: Scale Redis Deployment

To scale the Redis deployment, run the following command:

kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/my-redis

This command scales the Redis deployment to three replicas. You can change the number of replicas as per your requirement.

Step 5: Access Redis Cluster

To access the Redis cluster, you need to create a Kubernetes service. Run the following command to create a Kubernetes service:

kubectl expose deployment/my-redis --port=6379 --target-port=6379 --type=LoadBalancer

This command creates a Kubernetes service named my-redis and exposes port 6379. You can access the Redis cluster using the service IP and port.

Step 6: Test Redis Cluster

To test the Redis cluster, you can use the Redis CLI. Run the following command to access the Redis CLI:

kubectl run --namespace default my-redis-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --image -- bash

This command starts a Redis client pod and opens a bash shell inside the pod. From the shell, you can access the Redis CLI by running the following command:

redis-cli -h my-redis -p 6379

You can now run Redis commands to test the cluster.

Deploying a Redis cluster on Kubernetes is a straightforward process that can be achieved using the Redis Helm chart. With Kubernetes, you can easily scale and manage the Redis cluster, making it an ideal solution for high-availability and mission-critical applications.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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