Is GCP Container Registry Free?

Is GCP Container Registry Free

GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Container Registry is a service that allows users to store and manage Docker container images. With GCP Container Registry, developers can host their container images on Google Cloud, which provides a secure, scalable, and reliable infrastructure for running applications. But the question arises, is GCP Container Registry free?

In this article, we will answer this question and provide more details about GCP Container Registry pricing.

GCP Container Registry Free Tier:

Yes, GCP Container Registry offers a free tier, but with some limitations. The free tier allows users to store up to 500 MB of container images per month, and it includes 5,000 container image pulls per month. Beyond these limits, users will be charged based on the amount of storage and data transfer they use.


GCP Container Registry pricing is based on the amount of data stored and transferred. The pricing varies based on the location where the data is stored and the destination of the data transfer. The pricing also varies based on the type of access: pulling images from the registry is generally free, while pushing images to the registry incurs charges.


Before diving into the pricing details, let's explore some commands that can be used to interact with GCP Container Registry.

  • Authenticate Docker to a registry:
    $ gcloud auth configure-docker

  • Tag a local image with a registry name:

  • Push a tagged image to a registry:
    $ docker push [REGISTRY_NAME]/[IMAGE_NAME]:[TAG]

  • Pull an image from a registry:
    $ docker pull [REGISTRY_NAME]/[IMAGE_NAME]:[TAG]

Step by Step Instructions:

Now that we have an idea of the basic commands, let's explore the step by step instructions for using GCP Container Registry.

  1. Create a GCP project or use an existing one.
  2. Enable the Container Registry API.
  3. Authenticate Docker to the registry using the command: $ gcloud auth configure-docker
  4. Tag a local image with a registry name using the command: $ docker tag [LOCAL_IMAGE] [REGISTRY_NAME]/[IMAGE_NAME]:[TAG]
  5. Push the tagged image to the registry using the command: $ docker push [REGISTRY_NAME]/[IMAGE_NAME]:[TAG]
  6. Pull an image from the registry using the command: $ docker pull [REGISTRY_NAME]/[IMAGE_NAME]:[TAG]

More Examples:

Let's say you want to store a container image for a Python application named "myapp". Here are some examples of how much it would cost to store and transfer this image:

  • Storing 1 GB of data in the us-central1 region: $0.10 per month
  • Transferring 100 GB of data from us-central1 to the Asia region: $11.00
  • Pushing 1 GB of data to the registry: $0.026
  • Pulling 1 GB of data from the registry: Free

So, GCP Container Registry does offer a free tier, but with some limitations. Beyond the free tier, users will be charged based on the amount of storage and data transfer they use. It's important to keep in mind the pricing details and the basic commands for interacting with the registry when using GCP Container Registry.

Related Searches and Questions asked:

  • Is Google Container Registry a Docker registry?
  • How to Create a Google Container Registry
  • Docker and Security Scanning: How to Ensure Your Containers are Secure
  • What is Google Container Registry?
  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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