This post will help you to know on archiving files in linux and compressing files in linux using various commands available in linux like compress, gzip, bzip2 and tar.
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Compression is a technique to reduce the size of bunch of files stacked together. Archiving is a method to make single file of multiple files and folders.
It has 2 steps, Archiving & compression:
1. Archiving files in Linux:
This is a process of collecting the files which have to be compressed and make a single file out of them, that is called archiving.
An Archive is made using "tar"(Tape Archive Command).
[root@selva ~]# tar -cvf example.tar *
Above command makes as an archive "example.tar" & puts all the files in current directory in it.
To list out the archived and compressed content without extracting as below,
[root@selva ~]# tar -tvf example.tar
2. Compressing files in Linux:
There are various tools to compress the file. They are follows:
Compress & Uncompress Tool:
To compress the file use the following command:
[root@selva ~]# compress example.tar
Above command makes a compressed file example.tar.Z in the current directory.
To uncompress the file use the following,
[root@selva ~]# uncompress example.tar.Z
Shortcut command to do compressing is,(Archiving + Compression)
[root@selva ~]# tar -Zcvf example.tar.Z
Shortcut Command to do the uncompressing is (Archiving + Uncompressing)
[root@selva ~]# tar -Zxvf example.tar.Z
GZIP & GUNZIP commands in Linux
To compress the file Gzip tool is used..
[root@selva ~]# gzip example.tar
Above Command makes a compressed file example.tar.z in the current directory.
To Uncompress the file Gunzip tool is used..
[root@selva ~]# gunzip example.tar.z
Shortcut command to do the compressing is (Archiving + Compression )
[root@selva ~]# tar -zcvf example.tar.z
Shortcut command to do Uncomressing ( Archiving + Uncompression )
[root@selva ~]# tar -zxvf example.tar.z
BZIP2 & BUNZIP2 commands in Linux
To compress the file using bzip tool,
[root@selva ~]# bzip2 example.tar
Above command makes a compressed file example.tar.bz2 in the current directory.
To Uncompress the file bunzip2 tool is used,
[root@selva ~]# bunzip2 example.tar.bz2
Shortcut command to do the compressing ( Archiving + Compression )
[root@selva ~]# tar -jcvf example.tar.bz2
Shortcut command to do the uncompressing ( Archiving + Uncomression )
[root@selva ~]# tar -jcvf example.tar.bz2
That's it for this post.
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