This tutorial post will help you with how to install and configure Jenkins integration tool with step by step procedure on CentOS & RHEL 7 linux servers.
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What is Jenkins?
Jenkins is an open source automation tool which helps us to automate the regular jobs for continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD).Steps involved in this post are,
1. How to install Jenkins using Yum and Rpm
2. How to configure Jenkins user with Sudo access
3. How to change jenkins user shell for interactive session
4. How to enable and start Jenkins Service
5. How to allow Jenkins port in firewall.
6. How to Setup Jenkins portal ready for first job
Operating System: CentOS 7.2 - 64 Bit
IP address:
Yum configured : Yes - If you have not configured yum, please refer this link how to configure yum repo server in linux.
Required Dependencies : Java ( yum -y install java)
Lets get started.
Also Watch this "Install and Configure Jenkins" Tutorial video demo on our YouTube Channel.
How to Install & Configure Jenkins on Linux Easily
1. Install Jenkins using Yum and Rpm
Before installing Jenkins, make sure java is installed. If it is not installed, install Java using yum repository. Please refer this link, If you are not sure about How to Configure Local YUM Repo Server in Linux.[root@jenkins-server ~]# yum -y install java
Using YUM:
Enable the repo file for installing jenkins packages directly from the jenkins repository.
[root@jenkins-server ~]# wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
[root@jenkins-server ~]# rpm --import
[root@jenkins-server ~]# yum -y install jenkins
Using RPM:
Download the latest jenkins version from official website and copy it to the server directory to install using rpm command.
[root@jenkins-server ~]# rpm -ivh jenkins-2.89.4-1.1.noarch.rpm
Lets configure Jenkins Integration tool.
Bydefault, user "jenkins" is created during the installation at the OS level, but it is a non-root user.
Whatever Users created in jenkins portal are only for creating different jobs. Bydefault, user "jenkins" only runs everything in background even if you have loggedin using any users on portal.
So when user "jenkins" doesnt have sufficient previleges at the OS level, this user cannot perform any administrative level tasks. So we must configure sudo to gain the administrative level access.
Lets do that.
2. How to configure Jenkins user with Sudo access
[root@jenkins-server ~]# visudo
Edit /etc/sudoers file and add below entry to allow user "jenkins" to use sudo with nopasswd prompt and also disable requiretty option..
Defaults !requiretty
3. How to change jenkins user shell for interactive session
Change user "jenkins" shell to /bin/bash from /sbin/nologin for interactive session. Also you can use this user "jenkins" to login into all build server and slave servers for advanced tasks. It must be looks like below output after the change.[root@jenkins-server ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep -i jenkins
jenkins:x:995:992:Jenkins Automation Server:/var/lib/jenkins:/bin/bash
4. How to enable and start Jenkins Service
Use systemctl command to enable and start jenkins service.[root@jenkins-server ~]#systemctl enable jenkins
[root@jenkins-server ~]#systemctl start jenkins
Note: Service may get failed if java is not installed. Kindly install java (yum -y install java) then start the service again.
5. How to allow Jenkins port in firewall
Lets allow default jenkins port 8080 in firewalld to accept the connections.[root@jenkins-server ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp
[root@jenkins-server ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
We have successfully completed the Jenkins installation and configuration, Lets do some initial setup on Jenkins automation tool.
6. How to Setup Jenkins portal ready for first job
Once the installation and configuration of jenkins is completed, we will be able to access the jenkin dashboard.Open your browser and enter the url "". Replace "" with your server ipaddress.
Once you have hit enter, you would get an welcome screen as below to unlock jenkins.
Getting started with Unlock Jenkins
Initial Admin Password is available in a file "/var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword" to unlock jenkins tool.
[root@jenkins-server ~]# cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Copy that password, enter in the password box and click continue. Next screen would be for plugins installation.
Getting started with Customize Jenkins
Plugins are required for integrations to support many different needs for additional features. There are two options given in the jenkins dashboard to install plugins as shown in the above image.
1. Install suggested plugins
2. Select plugins to install
We can install plugins even later, so just close this window for right now.
Click start using jenkins.
Lets reset the admin password, so we dont need to use this file for encrypted admin password from /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword.
Thats it. Logout and login again with new admin password.
Hope you have got an idea how to install and configure Jenkins automation tool. Going forward, we will play more jenkins tool. Keep practice and have fun.
Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.
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