Ansible Jinja2 Templates Explained with Examples

This post will help you to understand What is Ansible Jinja2 Templates and Explained with Examples

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Ansible Jinja2 Templates Explained with Examples

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Ansible Jinja2 Templates Explained with Examples

Ansible Jinja2 templates are used to generate dynamic configuration files or scripts based on variables and conditions defined in the Ansible playbook. They are written in the Jinja2 template language, which is similar to Python and allows for control structures such as loops, conditionals, and filters.

Jinja2 templates are used in Ansible by defining a "template" task in the playbook and specifying the source template file and the destination file. The variables used in the template can be defined in the playbook or in a separate variables file.

For example, a Jinja2 template for a Nginx configuration file might look like this:

server {

    listen {{ listen_port }};

    server_name {{ server_name }};

    root {{ root_dir }};

    {% if ssl_enabled %}

    listen 443 ssl;

    ssl_certificate {{ ssl_certificate }};

    ssl_certificate_key {{ ssl_certificate_key }};

    {% endif %}


In this example, the variables listen_port, server_name, root_dir, ssl_enabled, ssl_certificate, and ssl_certificate_key are defined in the playbook or variables file. The template uses the Jinja2 if statement to determine if SSL is enabled and includes the appropriate SSL configuration if it is.

Ansible Jinja2 templates are a powerful tool for automating the generation of configuration files and scripts, allowing for flexibility and customization based on the specific needs of each deployment.

That’s it for this post, Hope you have got an idea what is Ansible Jinja2 templates and its examples.

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