MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems used worldwide. It's widely used by web developers to create and maintain databases for their web applications. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of installing and configuring MySQL on Linux.
Step 1: Update your system
Before installing any software, it's important to ensure that your system is up to date. To update your Linux system, run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Step 2: Install MySQL
Now that your system is up to date, you can proceed to install MySQL.
Use apt-get command to install MySQL package as below.
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
During the installation process, you will be prompted to set a root password for your MySQL server. So Use strong password and keep it for safe to protect the account.
Step 3: Secure MySQL
After installing MySQL, it's important to secure it to prevent unauthorized access to your database.
Use mysql_secure_installation command to secure MySQL installation:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
You will be prompted to enter the root password you set during installation. Go through the prompts, So you can secure MySQL installation. This includes setting a new root password, removing anonymous users, disabling root login remotely, and removing test databases.
Step 4: Configure MySQL
Once you have secured your MySQL installation, you can proceed to configure it for your needs. MySQL configuration files are stored in the /etc/mysql/ directory. You can edit the configuration files using any text editor, such as Nano or Vim.
One important configuration file is /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf, which contains various settings related to your MySQL server. Some of the important settings you might want to modify include the port number, the bind address, and the character set.
Use any editor you prefered to modify the configuration file.
sudo vim /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
Make the required changes and save it.
Step 5: Restart MySQL
After making changes to the MySQL configuration file, you need to restart the MySQL server to apply the changes.
Use systemctl command to restart the MySQL server as below:
sudo systemctl restart mysql
Verify the status of MySQL service by using the below command:
sudo systemctl status mysql
If the MySQL server is running, you should see a message indicating that the service is active.
We have covered the step-by-step process of installing and configuring MySQL on Linux. By following these steps, you should now have a fully functional MySQL server running on your Linux system. Remember to keep your MySQL server secure by using strong passwords and following best practices for database management.
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