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CD Workflow with ArgoCD

CD Workflow with ArgoCD, argocd workflow, argocd without cd workflow, cd workflow without argocd, deploy argocd, ArgoCD, GitOps, Containerization
CD Workflow with ArgoCD

Continuous Delivery (CD) is an essential part of modern software development. It allows developers to automate the process of testing and deploying code changes to production. ArgoCD is a popular tool used to manage the CD workflow, providing an automated way to deploy and manage applications.

In this article, we'll cover the basics of CD workflow with ArgoCD, including setting up a deployment, configuring your application, and managing the deployment process.

Getting Started

Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • ArgoCD CLI
  • Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)

You will also need access to a Kubernetes cluster with ArgoCD installed.

Configuring ArgoCD

The first step in the CD workflow with ArgoCD is to configure it to deploy your application. ArgoCD uses a declarative configuration file called an Application Manifest to describe your application's desired state. Here's an example of an Application Manifest:

kind: Application
name: myapp
project: default
targetRevision: HEAD
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: default
prune: true
selfHeal: true

This manifest tells ArgoCD to deploy an application called myapp from the GitHub repository The deployment target is the default namespace in the Kubernetes cluster.

To apply this manifest, use the following command:

argocd app create myapp --repo --path . --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace default

This command creates a new application in ArgoCD called myapp and sets up the deployment target to the default namespace.

Deploying Your Application

Once you've configured ArgoCD, it's time to deploy your application. To deploy your application, use the following command:

argocd app sync myapp

This command will sync your application with the desired state described in the Application Manifest. ArgoCD will compare the current state of your application with the desired state and make any necessary changes to bring the two into alignment.

Managing Your Deployment

ArgoCD provides a web interface for managing your deployments. You can access the web interface by running the following command:

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

Once you've port-forwarded the ArgoCD server, you can access the web interface by visiting https://localhost:8080 in your web browser.

From the web interface, you can view the status of your deployments, rollback to a previous version, and make changes to your deployment configuration.

In this article, we've covered the basics of CD workflow with ArgoCD. We've shown you how to configure ArgoCD, deploy your application, and manage your deployment process. ArgoCD is a powerful tool for managing CD workflows, and we hope this article has helped you get started with it.

Related Searches and Questions asked:

  • What is the difference between GitOps and ArgoCD?
  • CD Workflow Without ArgoCD
  • How to Use ArgoCD with GitHub?
  • What is the difference between Jenkins and ArgoCD?
  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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