Helm Commands Cheat Sheet

Helm Commands Cheat Sheet

If you're working with Kubernetes, you're probably familiar with Helm - a package manager for Kubernetes that helps you manage and deploy applications. While Helm makes your life easier, it can be overwhelming to remember all the different commands and options that you need to use. In this article, we'll provide you with a Helm commands cheat sheet to help you navigate Helm easily.

Getting Started with Helm

Before we dive into the commands, let's first make sure you have Helm installed on your machine. Here are the steps to install Helm on your local machine:

  1. Install the Helm client by downloading the binary from the Helm GitHub repository. Choose the appropriate version for your operating system.

  2. Unzip the file and move it to your preferred location. For example, you can move it to /usr/local/bin so that it's accessible system-wide.

  3. Verify the installation by running the following command:

    helm version

This should display the version of Helm that you just installed.

Helm Commands Cheat Sheet

Now that you have Helm installed, let's take a look at some of the most commonly used Helm commands:

  1. helm install: This command is used to install a chart. Here's an example:

    helm install my-app ./my-chart

This command installs a chart named my-chart as a release named my-app.

  1. helm upgrade: This command is used to upgrade a release to a new version of the chart. Here's an example:

    helm upgrade my-app ./my-chart

This command upgrades the my-app release to the latest version of the my-chart chart.

  1. helm uninstall: This command is used to uninstall a release. Here's an example:

    helm uninstall my-app

This command uninstalls the my-app release.

  1. helm list: This command is used to list all the releases that are currently installed. Here's an example:

    helm list

This command lists all the releases, along with their status, revision, and chart version.

  1. helm repo add: This command is used to add a new chart repository. Here's an example:

    helm repo add my-repo https://my-repo.com/charts

This command adds a new chart repository named my-repo with the URL https://my-repo.com/charts.

  1. helm repo update: This command is used to update the local cache of a chart repository. Here's an example:

    helm repo update

This command updates the local cache of all the chart repositories that are currently configured.

  1. helm package: This command is used to package a chart directory into a chart archive file. Here's an example:

    helm package ./my-chart

This command packages the chart directory named my-chart into a chart archive file.

Helm is an essential tool for managing and deploying applications on Kubernetes, but it can be overwhelming to remember all the different commands and options. With this Helm commands cheat sheet, you can quickly reference the most commonly used commands and simplify your workflow. We hope this article has been helpful for you.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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