Kube-Green Explained with Examples

Kube-Green Explained with Examples

Kube-Green is a Kubernetes-based tool that helps organizations achieve sustainability goals by optimizing their cloud infrastructure. It helps to reduce the carbon footprint of a company by intelligently scaling down and powering off underutilized resources, thereby reducing energy consumption.

In this article, we will explore Kube-Green in detail and provide examples of how it can be used.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation and Setup

  2. Configuring Kube-Green

  3. Creating Policies

  4. Examples

Installation and Setup:

To use Kube-Green, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster up and running. You can follow these steps to install Kube-Green:
  1. Install Kube-Green via Helm chart:

helm repo add kube-green https://kube-green.github.io/charts
helm install kube-green kube-green/kube-green
  1. Verify the installation:
kubectl get pods -n kube-green

Configuring Kube-Green:

Once Kube-Green is installed, you need to configure it according to your requirements. The configuration is done via a ConfigMap that you can modify using the following command:
kubectl edit configmap kube-green-config -n kube-green

In the ConfigMap, you can set various parameters like:

  • The minimum utilization threshold for scaling down resources
  • The idle timeout after which resources are powered off
  • The schedule for powering off resources
  • The Kubernetes namespace to monitor

Creating Policies:

Kube-Green works by applying policies that define the rules for scaling down and powering off resources. Policies are defined using the Kube-Green Policy CRD (Custom Resource Definition).

Here is an example policy that scales down pods that are idle for more than 10 minutes and powers off nodes that have less than 30% utilization:

apiVersion: kube-green.github.io/v1alpha1
kind: Policy
name: example-policy
enabled: true
utilizationThreshold: 30
enabled: true
idleTimeout: 10m


Here are some examples of how Kube-Green can be used:

Example 1: Scale down idle pods

Suppose you have a deployment with 10 replicas, but only 5 are being actively used. You can define a policy that scales down the idle replicas to reduce resource consumption and save costs.

Example 2: Power off underutilized nodes

Suppose you have a Kubernetes cluster with multiple nodes, but some nodes have low utilization. You can define a policy that powers off these nodes during non-business hours to reduce energy consumption.

Example 3: Auto-scaling based on utilization

Suppose you have a workload that experiences variable traffic. You can define a policy that automatically scales up or down the resources based on utilization to optimize resource usage and minimize costs.

Kube-Green is a powerful tool that can help organizations reduce their carbon footprint and optimize their cloud infrastructure. By intelligently scaling down and powering off underutilized resources, Kube-Green can save costs and improve sustainability. We hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of Kube-Green and its capabilities.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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