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Using ArgoCD CLI to Create, Sync, Delete, and Troubleshoot

Using ArgoCD CLI to Create Sync Delete and Troubleshoot, argocd, argocd cli, install argocd cli, how to use argocd cli, argocd cli example
Using ArgoCD CLI to Create Sync Delete and Troubleshoot

ArgoCD is a popular GitOps tool that is widely used in modern IT organizations to manage their Kubernetes infrastructure. It allows teams to deploy, manage and automate their applications in a secure, scalable, and auditable manner. In this article, we will explore how to use the ArgoCD CLI to create, sync, delete, and troubleshoot your applications.

Getting Started with ArgoCD CLI

Before we start, make sure you have ArgoCD installed and running in your Kubernetes cluster. You can check if the ArgoCD server is running by running the following command:

kubectl get pods -n argocd

If the ArgoCD server is running, you will see a list of pods that are running in the argocd namespace.

To use the ArgoCD CLI, you need to install it on your local machine. You can download the latest version of the CLI from the official ArgoCD website.

Create an Application

To create an application using the ArgoCD CLI, you need to run the argocd app create command. The basic syntax of the command is as follows:

argocd app create APPNAME --repo REPOURL --path PATH --dest DESTINATION

Here is an example command that creates an application named myapp using the repository and deploys it to the default namespace:

argocd app create myapp --repo --path . --dest server-cluster --dest-namespace default

Sync an Application

To sync an application using the ArgoCD CLI, you need to run the argocd app sync command. This command ensures that the application is in sync with the Git repository and that all the Kubernetes resources are up to date.

Here is an example command that syncs the myapp application:

argocd app sync myapp

Delete an Application

To delete an application using the ArgoCD CLI, you need to run the argocd app delete command. This command deletes the application and all the associated Kubernetes resources.

Here is an example command that deletes the myapp application:

argocd app delete myapp

Troubleshoot an Application

The ArgoCD CLI provides several commands that can help you troubleshoot your applications. Here are a few examples:

  • To view the logs of the ArgoCD server, run the argocd log command:
argocd log
  • To view the status of an application, run the argocd app get command:
argocd app get myapp
  • To view the history of an application, run the argocd app history command:
argocd app history myapp

In this article, we have explored how to use the ArgoCD CLI to create, sync, delete, and troubleshoot your applications. The ArgoCD CLI provides a powerful set of tools that can help you manage your Kubernetes infrastructure more effectively. By using these tools, you can automate your deployments, reduce errors, and improve the overall reliability of your applications.

Related Searches and Questions asked:

  • Deploy Helm Application with ArgoCD
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  • ArgoCD Disaster Recovery: Ensuring Smooth Operations in the Event of Data Loss
  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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