What is Google Cloud Username for SSH?

What is Google Cloud Username for SSH

If you are new to Google Cloud Platform, you might be wondering how to access your virtual machines (VMs) using SSH. One of the key things you need to know is your Google Cloud username for SSH. In this article, we will explain what it is and how to find it.

What is a Google Cloud Username for SSH?

Your Google Cloud username for SSH is the username you use to access your VM instances using SSH. It is not the same as your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account username or your email address. Instead, it is a unique username that is generated for each VM instance you create in your GCP project.

By default, when you create a VM instance, Google Cloud will create a user account with the username "gce". This user account has full root access to the VM instance and can execute any command. However, you can also create additional user accounts with their own usernames and passwords.

How to Find Your Google Cloud Username for SSH

To find your Google Cloud username for SSH, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Cloud Console and navigate to the VM instances page.

  2. Find the VM instance you want to connect to and click on the "SSH" button.

  3. The SSH window will open in your browser. In the SSH window, you will see the username and IP address of the VM instance you are connecting to. The username will be displayed before the "@" symbol.

For example, if the SSH window displays the following:


Then "gce" is the username for SSH.

Note that if you have created additional user accounts, you can use them to access your VM instances using SSH as well. Simply replace "gce" with the username of the user account you want to use.

More Examples

Let's say you have created a user account with the username "myuser" and you want to connect to your VM instance using SSH. In this case, you would use the following command:

ssh myuser@

This command will connect you to your VM instance using the "myuser" account.

So, your Google Cloud username for SSH is a unique username that is generated for each VM instance you create in your GCP project. By default, the username is "gce", but you can also create additional user accounts with their own usernames and passwords.

To find your Google Cloud username for SSH, you need to open the SSH window for your VM instance and look for the username displayed before the "@" symbol. We hope this article has helped you understand what your Google Cloud username for SSH is and how to find it.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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