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What is Kubernetes DaemonSet?

What is Kubernetes DaemonSet, , , Kubernetes, Containerization, DevOps
What is Kubernetes DaemonSet

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform used to manage and deploy containerized applications. One of the essential features of Kubernetes is the ability to scale applications horizontally and vertically. Kubernetes DaemonSets are a crucial tool that allows the deployment of a single pod on every node in the Kubernetes cluster.

In this article, we will discuss what a Kubernetes DaemonSet is, its features, how it works, and its use cases.

What is a Kubernetes DaemonSet?

A DaemonSet is a Kubernetes object that allows you to deploy a single instance of a pod on every node in the Kubernetes cluster. It is a way of ensuring that a particular pod is running on each node in the cluster. DaemonSets are useful in cases where you need to deploy a particular pod on every node, such as logging, monitoring, and node-level services.

How Does Kubernetes DaemonSet Work?

DaemonSets work by creating a pod on every node in the Kubernetes cluster. When a new node is added to the cluster, a new pod is automatically created on that node. If a node is removed from the cluster, the corresponding pod is also removed. DaemonSets ensure that the desired state of a pod is maintained on every node in the cluster.

Creating a Kubernetes DaemonSet

To create a Kubernetes DaemonSet, you need to create a YAML file that defines the pod's specifications. Here is an example YAML file for a DaemonSet that deploys a logging pod on every node in the cluster.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: logging-daemonset
app: logging
app: logging
- name: logging-container
image: logging-image
command: ["logging-command"]

In the above YAML file, we define a DaemonSet named "logging-daemonset." The DaemonSet deploys a pod with the label "app: logging." The pod runs a container named "logging-container," which uses the "logging-image" image and executes the "logging-command."

Once you have created the YAML file, you can deploy the DaemonSet by running the following command:

$ kubectl create -f daemonset.yaml

Use Cases for Kubernetes DaemonSets

DaemonSets are useful in many scenarios, such as:

  • Running monitoring and logging agents on every node in the cluster.
  • Deploying node-level services such as storage, networking, and security services.
  • Ensuring that certain pods are running on specific nodes in the cluster.

Kubernetes DaemonSets are an essential tool for managing and deploying applications on a Kubernetes cluster. They allow you to deploy a pod on every node in the cluster, ensuring that a particular pod is always running on each node. DaemonSets are useful for running monitoring and logging agents, deploying node-level services, and ensuring that certain pods are running on specific nodes.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.