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How to Configure Event Rate Limit in Kubernetes

How to Configure Event Rate Limit in Kubernetes, kubernetes event rate limit, configure event rate limit kubernetes
How to Configure Event Rate Limit in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a widely used container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. However, when running large-scale deployments, the Kubernetes API server can generate a large number of events, which can cause performance issues. To prevent this, Kubernetes provides the option to configure event rate limits. In this article, we will discuss how to configure event rate limit in Kubernetes.


  • A Kubernetes cluster with administrative privileges.
  • kubectl command-line tool installed.

Step 1: Check the current event rate limit configuration

Before configuring the event rate limit, it's important to check the current configuration to ensure that you don't override the existing configuration. Use the following command to check the current event rate limit configuration:

kubectl get --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep rate

The output will show the current rate limit configuration, including the number of events allowed per second and the burst size.

Step 2: Configure event rate limits

To configure event rate limits, you can edit the Kubernetes API server configuration file (/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml) and add the following options under the args section:

  • --event-ttl: This sets the time-to-live (TTL) for an event in seconds.
  • --event-rate-limit: This sets the maximum number of events allowed per second.
  • --event-burst: This sets the burst size, which is the maximum number of events that can be generated at once.

For example, to set the maximum event rate limit to 50 events per second with a burst size of 100 events, add the following options under the args section:

  • --event-ttl=1h
  • --event-rate-limit=50
  • --event-burst=100

After making the changes, save the file and restart the Kubernetes API server:

systemctl restart kubelet

Step 3: Verify the new configuration

After restarting the Kubernetes API server, use the following command to verify the new configuration:

kubectl get --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep rate

The output will show the new event rate limit configuration.

More Examples:

  • To set the maximum event rate limit to 100 events per second with a burst size of 200 events, change the values to:


  • To set the maximum event rate limit to 10 events per second with a burst size of 20 events and an event TTL of 30 minutes, change the values to:


By configuring event rate limits, you can prevent performance issues caused by a large number of events generated by the Kubernetes API server. In this article, we discussed how to check the current event rate limit configuration, how to configure event rate limits, and how to verify the new configuration. With this knowledge, you can optimize the performance of your Kubernetes cluster.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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