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How to Configure Fluent Bit to Collect Logs for Your K8s Cluster?

How to Configure Fluent Bit to Collect Logs for Your K8s Cluster, configure fluent bit on kubernetes, create fluent bit on kubernetes
How to Configure Fluent Bit to Collect Logs for Your K8s Cluster

As Kubernetes clusters become more prevalent, it is essential to have an efficient and reliable logging system in place. Fluent Bit is a popular open-source log collector that can gather logs from various sources and forward them to various destinations. In this article, we will walk through how to configure Fluent Bit to collect logs from a Kubernetes cluster.


  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • Fluent Bit installed in your cluster
  • Access to your Kubernetes cluster

Step 1: Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap

The first step is to create a ConfigMap that will hold Fluent Bit's configuration. You can create a ConfigMap by running the following command:

$ kubectl create configmap fluent-bit-config --from-file=fluent-bit.conf

This command will create a ConfigMap named "fluent-bit-config" and will read the configuration from a file named "fluent-bit.conf". Ensure that the "fluent-bit.conf" file contains your desired configuration settings.

Step 2: Create a Kubernetes DaemonSet

Next, we will create a DaemonSet that will run Fluent Bit on each node in our Kubernetes cluster. A DaemonSet ensures that a copy of Fluent Bit is running on every node in the cluster, which makes it easier to collect logs from each node. You can create a DaemonSet by running the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f fluent-bit-ds.yaml

This command will apply a YAML file named "fluent-bit-ds.yaml", which contains the definition of the DaemonSet.

Step 3: Verify Fluent Bit is Running

To verify that Fluent Bit is running, you can run the following command:

$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l app=fluent-bit

This command will return a list of pods with the label "app=fluent-bit". Ensure that all the pods are in a "Running" state.

Step 4: View the Logs

Now that Fluent Bit is collecting logs, we can view them using a log aggregator such as Elasticsearch or Splunk. For example, if you are using Elasticsearch, you can view the logs by running the following command:

$ curl -XGET 'http://<elasticsearch-host>:9200/_search?q=kubernetes.namespace_name:default'

This command will return logs from the "default" namespace. You can change the namespace by modifying the "kubernetes.namespace_name" field.

So, Fluent Bit is an excellent choice for collecting logs from a Kubernetes cluster. By following these simple steps, you can easily configure Fluent Bit to collect logs from your Kubernetes cluster and forward them to a log aggregator. Happy logging!

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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