Helm is a powerful package manager for Kubernetes that enables you to deploy, manage, and upgrade complex applications with ease. However, sometimes things can go wrong during the deployment process, and you may need to roll back your changes to a previous state.
In this article, we will discuss how to roll back changes with Helm.
- Checking Release History
Before rolling back any changes with Helm, it is important to check the release history of your deployment. You can do this by running the following command:$ helm history RELEASE_NAME
with the name of your release. This command will display a list of all revisions of the release, along with their status, date, and description.
- Rolling Back to a Previous Version
To roll back your deployment to a previous version, you can use the following command:$ helm rollback RELEASE_NAME REVISION_NUMBER
with the name of your release, and REVISION_NUMBER
with the number of the revision you want to roll back to. This command will revert your deployment to the previous state, as defined in the specified revision.
- Updating Values
If you need to update the values of your deployment before rolling back, you can use the following command:$ helm upgrade --set key=value RELEASE_NAME CHART_NAME
Replace key=value
with the values you want to update, RELEASE_NAME
with the name of your release, and CHART_NAME
with the name of the chart you want to deploy. This command will update the values of your deployment, and you can then roll back to a previous revision as described in step 2.
- Releasing a New Version
If you need to release a new version of your deployment with the changes rolled back, you can use the following command:$ helm upgrade --reset-values RELEASE_NAME CHART_NAME
with the name of your release, and CHART_NAME
with the name of the chart you want to deploy. This command will release a new version of your deployment with the values reset to their default values.
- More Examples
Here are some additional examples of rolling back changes with Helm:To roll back to the previous revision of your deployment:
$ helm rollback RELEASE_NAME
This command will roll back your deployment to the previous revision.
To roll back to a specific revision of your deployment and update the values:
$ helm upgrade --set key=value RELEASE_NAME CHART_NAME --recreate-pods
with the values you want to update,RELEASE_NAME
with the name of your release,CHART_NAME
with the name of the chart you want to deploy, andREVISION_NUMBER
with the number of the revision you want to roll back to. The--recreate-pods
flag ensures that the pods are recreated with the updated values.
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That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.
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