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How to Use Kubectl Config Set-Context Command?

How to Use Kubectl Config Set-Context Command, How to Use KubeCtl Config Set-Context command, how to use kubectl config
How to Use Kubectl Config Set-Context Command

Kubectl is a command-line interface tool that allows users to manage and deploy applications on Kubernetes clusters. One of the most commonly used kubectl commands is 'kubectl config set-context.' This command is used to set a context in a Kubernetes cluster, which specifies the cluster, user, and namespace that kubectl commands should use.

In this article, we will discuss the kubectl config set-context command and how to use it effectively.


Before we begin, you will need the following:
  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • kubectl installed on your local machine

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. View Current Context:

Before you set a new context, it is important to know the current context. Run the following command to view the current context:

kubectl config current-context

  1. List Available Contexts:

To view all the available contexts in your kubectl configuration file, run the following command:

kubectl config get-contexts

  1. Set a New Context:

To set a new context, you need to specify the cluster, user, and namespace. Run the following command to set a new context:

kubectl config set-context [context name] --cluster=[cluster name] --user=[user name] --namespace=[namespace name]

Replace [context name], [cluster name], [user name], and [namespace name] with your desired names.

  1. Use a Different Context:

After setting a new context, you can switch to it by running the following command:

kubectl config use-context [context name]

Replace [context name] with the name of the context you just created.

  1. Delete a Context:

To delete a context, run the following command:

kubectl config delete-context [context name]

Replace [context name] with the name of the context you want to delete.

More Examples

  1. Set a context with a different user and namespace:

    kubectl config set-context test-context --cluster=my-cluster --user=my-user --namespace=my-namespace

  2. Set a context with a different cluster:

    kubectl config set-context test-context --cluster=my-cluster2 --user=my-user --namespace=my-namespace

  3. Use a context with a different namespace:

    kubectl config use-context test-context --namespace=my-other-namespace

The kubectl config set-context command is an essential tool for managing and deploying applications on Kubernetes clusters. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set a new context, switch to a different context, and delete unwanted contexts with ease. With this knowledge, you can use kubectl more effectively and improve your overall Kubernetes experience.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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