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Helm: List Installed Charts

Helm List Installed Charts, helm list charts, helm list installed charts, how to list charts, list charts helm, helm list charts command
Helm List Installed Charts

Helm is a popular package manager for Kubernetes that allows you to manage, install, and upgrade applications on your Kubernetes cluster. One of the essential features of Helm is the ability to list the installed charts, providing you with an overview of the applications and their versions currently running on your cluster. In this article, we will explore how to use Helm to list installed charts and provide step-by-step instructions, along with examples, to help you navigate this process efficiently.

Table of Contents

  1. Checking Helm Installation

  2. Listing Installed Charts

  3. Filtering the Chart List

  4. Displaying Detailed Information

  5. Exporting Chart List to a File

Checking Helm Installation:

Before we dive into listing the installed charts, it's crucial to ensure that Helm is properly installed on your system. Open your terminal or command prompt and type the following command:
helm version

If Helm is installed correctly, this command will display the version information, including the client and server versions. If not, please refer to the Helm documentation to install Helm on your system.

Listing Installed Charts:

To list the installed charts, use the following command:
helm list

Executing this command will display a table containing the release name, namespace, revision, updated timestamp, status, and chart name of each installed chart. The release name is a unique identifier assigned to each instance of an installed chart.

Filtering the Chart List:

If you have a large number of installed charts, you may want to filter the list based on specific criteria. Helm provides filtering options to help you narrow down the results. Here's an example:
helm list --filter "status=deployed"

This command will only display the installed charts with the status set to "deployed." You can replace "deployed" with any other status you want to filter by, such as "failed," "uninstalled," or "pending."

Displaying Detailed Information:

To obtain more detailed information about a specific installed chart, use the helm status command followed by the release name. For example:
helm status my-chart

Executing this command will display information about the chart, such as the chart name, version, description, values used during installation, and any related pods, services, or other resources created by the chart.

Exporting Chart List to a File:

If you prefer to save the list of installed charts to a file for future reference or analysis, you can redirect the output to a file using the following command:
helm list > installed_charts.txt

This command will save the list of installed charts to a file named "installed_charts.txt" in the current directory. You can choose a different filename or path according to your needs.

In this article, we explored how to list installed charts using Helm, a powerful package manager for Kubernetes. We learned how to check the Helm installation, list installed charts, filter the chart list based on specific criteria, display detailed information about a chart, and export the chart list to a file. These capabilities provided by Helm empower you to manage and monitor your Kubernetes applications effectively.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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